The fourth and final session of our “Automation February” workshops was on Thursday 23/2/23. We had two final speakers Jon Gibbs Malcolm Gardner Jon gave a great presentation on automating processes and an indication of the savings that can be made. This session gave real clarity on what could and should be done to reap…
Month: February 2023
Revenues & Benefits Discussion Group 20/2/23
This Monday’s Discussion Group gave some feedback on how year-end had been going. We also debated the job market and specially figures that were showing that some 9 million workers had disappeared from the jobs market. Many taking early retirement but a significant increase in long-term sickness. We also examined retail sector job and store…
R&B Independent Discussion Group Automation Special 3/4
This week we had the third session of our “Automation February” workshops with three interesting speakers Zoe Charlesworth Daniel Pearce Malcolm Gardner A great case study from Daniel Pearce, which really got under the skin of how automation realistically works and can produce real savings for the local authority and better services to the citizen….
R&B Independent Discussion Group 13/2/23
On Monday’s Independent R&B Discussion (13/2/23) we focused on the case R(K) vs DWP. A Universal Credit overpayment case and lesson on how administrators do not have right to exercise recovery powers, just because those powers are there. Also, the importance of publishing guidance. We also discussed the IFS report on LHA rates and the…